
Automation error vba internet explorer document
Automation error vba internet explorer document

automation error vba internet explorer document

So far I do not have problems with IUIAutomation framework references and simplespy in examples section running against IE. $oForms = _IEFormGetCollection ( $oDoc )but for sure this patch of microsoft gives problems document If _IEIsObjType ( $oTemp, "document" ) Then Return SetError ( $_IESTATUS_Success, 0, $oTemp ) Else Return SetError ( $_IESTATUS_InvalidObjectType, 1, 0 ) EndIf EndFunc =>_IEDocGetObjor write this : Dale Hohm = Func _IEDocGetObj ( ByRef $oObject ) If Not IsObj ( $oObject ) Then _IEConsoleWriteError ( "Error", "_IEDocGetObj", "$_IESTATUS_InvalidDataType" ) Return SetError ( $_IESTATUS_InvalidDataType, 1, 0 ) EndIf If _IEIsObjType ( $oObject, "document" ) Then Return SetError ( $_IESTATUS_Success, 0, $oObject ) EndIf local $oTemp $oTemp = $oObject. Maybe rewrite in IE.AU3 (at least you will not get the error as you had) Http ://com / 3 3 0so the frames are returned properly and as vba is telling there are 0 forms its correct you do not get an object ShellWindows Dim myIE As InternetExplorerĭebug. Hence, can anyone help/guide give enlightenment since I have observerd on many an internet search that the infamous OLE automateion error even still exists within Office 365 etc.Interesting just tried it from Excel VBA to see if there is something not revealed (on my system KB3025390 is installed) Plus (15.1000 MSO 15.1000)) and Internet Explorer ( IE11 Ver: 19698) completely reinstalled so we all have the exact same version, but regrettably to no avail since the OLE automation error still persist. Two colleagues have even gone as far as having both MS Office ( our office version is 2013 Pro We've tried Excel in 'save mode', remove/disabled COM Add-ins, check marked the 'Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)' option.

automation error vba internet explorer document

The set objIE command line works fine on my workstation, but for several other colleagues they regrettably receive the infamous 'Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action." Issue: within an Excel workbook I'm trying via VBA to initiate/create a new Internet Explorer session with the following code, ( Microsoft Internet Controls and Microsoft HTML Object Library are referenced)ĭim objIE As New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer

Automation error vba internet explorer document